


Why Meaning at Work is Important

People work on average 90,000 hours over the course of their lifetime. We often spend more time at work than we do with our own family and friends. Despite dedicating a large portion of our lives to our careers many people experience a disconnect and feel their jobs lack meaning.   But what is meaning at work and what does [...]

How to Avoid Burnout and Stay Productive

It is no secret that productivity is a major driver of business growth, helping companies achieve objectives. Yet, the road to achieving optimal productivity is one laden with one major challenge: how to avoid burnout.  Did you know that 1 in 5 UK workers felt unable to avoid burnout, manage pressure and stress levels at work? Did you also know [...]

Healthy Workplace Relationships Unlock Potential

Workplace relationships can impact upon your morale and attitude at work, more than you may think. Therefore, learning how to cultivate and maintain these relationships are important in order to fulfil your potential.   Workplace relationships can be challenging to manage due to the diversity of personalities and communication styles. It can also sometimes seem that these relationships are fixed as [...]

Stripping Back Unconscious Bias for Powerful, Efficient Decision-Making

In this blog we delve into the physiological effects of Unconscious Bias, recognising your own biases and why these matter. As you read on, reflect for yourself as we guide you through how to overcome these effects. Gain greater control of your own decision-making.  Why is this important? Our unconscious brain processes information up to 200,000 faster than the conscious [...]

Why Slow is the New Fast

By Zannah Ryabchuk, Breakthrough Managing Director There is a paradox at the heart of consistent high performance. Sometimes we have to go slow to go fast, we have to empty our minds to create the space to think, create, invent, solve. We hear every day from our Breakthrough Community that life is overly hectic, busy-being-busy, and emotionally and physically draining, [...]

Embrace Unprecedented Change with Breakthrough Mindset

Change is a fact of life and nowhere more challenging than in the business world. Our mindset determines our ability to respond to change.   Change is accelerating, even as you read these words! We now live in unprecedented times and the time horizon of certainty is getting shorter and shorter. New initiatives, opportunities, and areas for growth are exciting moments, [...]

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